“Waray-Waray” Song

The lyrics are a mixture from the Tagalog and the Waray languages, which are very distinct from each other. Waray or Winaray is spoken mainly in the Visayas region of the Philippines. The people in the area are also called Waray.


Waray Waray hindi tatakas
Waray Waray handang matodas
Waray Waray bahala bukas
Waray Waray manigas!

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Lubi-Lubi (Waray Song)

Lubi-Lubi is a Waray folk song. Athough Waray is a language spoken only in the Visayas region, this song is taught in elementary schools elsewhere in the Philippines because the last lines serve as a useful mnemonic for the months of the year.

Enero, Pebrero… (January, February…)

Click here for the song lyrics in text.