This is from the Spanish word Pascua (meaning: Easter).
Alternate spellings in different Tagalog Bibles: Paskuwa, Paskua
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Popular Flowers in the Philippines
This is from the Spanish word Pascua (meaning: Easter).
Alternate spellings in different Tagalog Bibles: Paskuwa, Paskua
scientific name: Datura alba / Datura metel
This is a grass or plant with white trumpet flowers and green, thorny fruits. Eating it can result in hallucinations, even death.
Datura metel is one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is called yáng jīn huā (洋金花). However, the ingestion of D. metel in any form is dangerous and should be treated with extreme caution. Due to its toxicity, datura is actually banned in India for use in Ayurvedic medicine.
scientific name: Lantana camara
This word is from the Spanish botoncillo.
Continue reading “BOTONSILYO”
This word is from the Spanish language.
kulay rosas
(taken to mean “pink“)
This word can mean two different things. Continue reading “KAMELYA”